Page 73 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
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       „ „Calibration of instrumentation,  gauges,   Halliburton consists of two divisions:
         transmitters, safety equipment for engines  „ „ Drilling & Evaluation and Completion &   Hydroscand A/S
         and                                  Production.
       „ „gas detectors                                                         Storstrømsvej 31
       „ „Standard hydrostatic pressure    Drilling and Evaluation product service  DK-6715 Esbjerg N
         testing to industry standards     lines include:                       Country: Denmark
         – up to 30.000 psi                „ „Sperry Drilling                   Dayphone: +45 70 20 28 52
       „ „Nitrogen pressure up to 10.000 psi  „ „Fluid Services       
       „ „Functional testing               „ „Wireline & Perforating            Email:
       „ „Callibration and sales of Gas detectors   „ „Drill Bits & Services    No. of employees: 40
         and firefighting material         „ „Landmark Software & Services      Contact Person: René Birkemosse
                                           „ „Testing & Subsea
       All testing is being documented in our                                   Hydroscand was founded in 1969 in
       Esbjerg office.                     Completion and Production product    Stockholm, Sweden. Today we are a global
                                           service lines include:               provider of affordable services and solutions
       Our advantages:                     „ „Completion Tools                  for hoses, fittings and related needs. We
       „ „Safety First                     „ „Cementing                         work innovatively and customer-driven and we
       „ „On-site services                 „ „Production Enhancement            strive to always find solutions that help our
       „ „Shop repair services             „ „Production Solutions              customer increase their efficiency and profit-
       „ „Dedicated technicians with attention   „ „Artificial Lift             ability. With operations in 20 countries, more
         to quality, project completeness and   „ „Pipeline and Process services  than 240 hose service branches, over 140
           aesthetics                                                           HoseExpress service vans and 450 resellers
       „ „Onshore and Offshore capabilities                                     we are always strategically positioned to sup-
                                           HH-Consult A/S                       port our customers’ operations. Our decen-
       We provide all critical services on-site 24/7.                           tralized organization, customer-driven supply
                                           Glarmestervej 22                     chain and knowledgeable local staff enable us
                                           DK-6710 Esbjerg V                    to support our customers quickly and cost-ef-
       Haki A/S                            Country: Denmark                     fectively, wherever they are operating.
                                           Dayphone: +45 76 10 40 55
       Erhvervsvej 16            
       DK-2600 Glostrup                    Email:            HYTORC
       Country: Denmark                    No. of employees: 70                 – KK INTERNATIONAL ApS
       Dayphone: +45 44 84 77 66           Contact Person: Joan Bonde Bach                         Contact Person: Hardy Lauritsen      Sjællandsvej 3
       Email:                                                      DK-5400 Bogense
       No. of employees: 12                HH-Consult employs and recruits engineers,   Country: Denmark
       Contact Person: Henrik G. Christensen  supervisors, project managers and other   Dayphone: +45 64 81 29 49
       Mobile phone: +45 20 32 19 71       highly qualified technical staff for a number of  Telefax: +45 64 81 36 96
                                           disciplines for project jobs worldwide
       HAKI Scaffolding, Weather Protection & Stair                             Email:
       Tower systems.                      Key Areas:                           No. of employees: 6
       Fast. Safe. Adaptable.              „ „Engineering                       Contact Person: Kent Klostergaard
                                           „ „Project management
       See our add on page 55              „ „Expediting                        More than 25 years experience
                                           „ „Document Control                  Sales - Rental - Maintenance of World
                                           „ „Material Control                  Leading Hydraulic Torque-Tensioning equip-
       Halliburton Denmark ApS             „ „Process                           ment from HYTORC USA
                                           „ „QA/QC Inspection
       Storstrømsvej 6                     „ „HSE                               Stockkeeping of high precision rentalequip-
       DK-6715 Esbjerg N                   „ „Inspection and Supervision        ment for all sizes of studs from 7/8” to 6
       Country: Denmark                    „ „Technical Assistance              1/1”
       Dayphone: +45 79 14 54 00           „ „Planning                 „ „Contract Surveillance             Torque Range from: 200 NM - 118.000 NM
       No. of employees: 85                „ „Design
       Contact Person: Torben Johansen                                          „ „Hytorc Torque-Tensioning Equipment
                                                                                „ „Hytorc LoaDisc
       Halliburton is one of the world’s largest                                „ „ClampNut
       providers of products and services to the                                „ „Torque Without Back-Up
       energy industry. Halliburton applies its global                          „ „Hydraulic Pumps
       capabilities to create local solutions for its                           „ „Hydraulic Jacks
       customers around the world. With more                                    „ „Nut Splitters
       than 70,000 employees in approximately 70                                „ „Flange Spreader Tools
       countries, the company serves the upstream                               „ „Back-Up Wrenches – Hydr. & Mech.
       oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle                            „ „Impact Sockets - all sizes in stock
       of the reservoir - from locating hydrocarbons                            „ „Calibration
       and managing geological data, to drilling                                „ „Hydr. Hoses
       and formation evaluation, well construction                              „ „Cejn Couplers & Hoses
       & completion, and optimizing production
       through the life of the field.


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