Page 78 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 78
Port Esbjerg ProMetal A/S Ramboll
Hulvejen Industrivej 3 A Bavnehøjvej 5
DK-6700 Esbjerg DK-5500 Middelfart DK-6700 Esbjerg
Country: Denmark Country: Denmark Country: Denmark
Dayphone: +45 75 12 41 44 Dayphone: +45 70 27 22 22 Dayphone: +45 51 61 10 00
Telefax: +45 75 13 40 50 Nightphone: +45 70 27 22 22 Telefax: +45 70 27 22 31 Email:
Email: No. of employees: 15
Contact Person: Port Director: Email: Contact Person: Jens Rebsdorf-Gregersen
Dennis Jul Pedersen No. of employees: 7
Contact Person: Chief Commercial Officer: Contact Person: Anette Dyrehave Munk Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and
Jesper Bank consultancy company founded in Denmark
Maritime dept.: +45 76 12 40 00 ProMetal is a trade and engineering com- in 1945. The company employs more than
pany within the area of engineered valves, 15,500 experts globally and has especially
Ever since the beginning of the oil- & gas customized forgings and castings. strong representation in the Nordics, UK,
exploration in the Danish Northsea the Port North America, Continental Europe, Middle
of Esbjerg has been an important corner We cooperate with some of the largest East and Asia-Pacific. With 300 offices in 35
stone in the development of this industy in European manufacturers who is well known countries.
Denmark. Today the Port of Esbjerg is the for their quality and supply into the offshore
local point for service providers to the oil & and petrochemical industries. Ramboll combines local experience with a
gas industry linked to the Danish offshore global knowledgebase constantly striving
sector. Valves to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions
On the Danish market we represent; Weir that make a genuine difference to our cli-
Esbjerg offers you one-stop offshore shopping Valves and Control, today named Trillium. ents, the end-users, and society at large.
in a network of providers especially experi- They are well known for brand names like Ramboll works across the following markets:
enced and oriented towards the needs of the “Blakeborough control valves”, “Batley butter- Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban
offshore industry. A large number of compa- fly valves” and “Hopkinsons”. Safety valves are Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy
nies with substantial experience within main- also from Trillium also known as “Sarasin, and Management Consulting.
tenance, repair, construction and logistics RSBD” and one of the leading manufactures
are ready to support your offshore energy of safety valves for the Oil and Gas industry. See our add on page 2
activities. Furthermore we represent Fluidcon OMB
Offshore, who is manufacturing larger but-
We all welcome you to the Port of terfly ball and gatevalves, Stockham Crane Rescue Center Denmark
Esbjerg. Valves, known for their duo check and
nozzelcheck valves, and MSA and Energy Storstrømsvej 39
See our add on page 47 Valves both producing ball valves. DK-6715 Esbjerg N
Country: Denmark
We are able to offer you very short deliveries Dayphone: +45 20 60 81 37
Port of Thyboron and competitive prices.
Tankskibsvej 4 Valve actuation and Valve Interlocking No. of employees: 55
DK-7680 Thyborøn Valve actuators from Procontrol are also an Contact Person: Dan Berg Nielsen
Country: Denmark important part of our product line and we
Dayphone: +45 96 90 03 10 now also represent Haake GmbH on valve Rescue Center Denmark offers courses in
Nightphone: +45 96 90 03 10 interlocking systems. Basic Safety Training, Technical Training and slinger Signaller according to the GWO stand-
Email: Bolts and Nuts ards. We are ready to deliver all refresher
No. of employees: 20 We offer 24 hours delivery on bolts and training according to the GWO standard. We
Contact Person: Tine Jensen Le Breton nuts, special certified fasteners and are also able to provide you with confined
Mobile phone: +45 4012 18 35 machined components. space, advances rescue, slinger/banks-
man and training in use of ActSafe Power
Thyboron Port is the accessible North Forgings, - Shafts, Discs and Rolled rings Ascender. Our Act Safe Training is approved
Sea Base Port for both installation, O&M We are specialist in deliveries of engineered by DNV-GL according to ISO 22846-1 & -2.
and decommissioning at North Sea Wind forgings from small rings to heavy shafts,
Projects. The port of Thyboron is the closest discs and hollow forgings – from low carbon Rescue Center Denmark is a unique center
port to the 28MW Nissum Bredning Test steel to high alloys such as duplex, super of knowledge and training, with expertise and
Site and the 350 MW Danish Nearshore duplex etc. - all to competitive prices and specialized knowledge in Fire & Rescue, EMT
Wind Farms Vesterhav North and Vesterhav delivery times. treatment, Transport-, Towing-and Recovery
South Wind Farms. Heavy load quays and Vehicles and risk assessment and prevention.
storage area with 15 hectares directly based Pipes Rescue Center Denmark is certified accord-
storage area ensure very good working We supply tubes and pipes for heatexchang- ing to GWO, ISO 9001,14001 and OHSAS
conditions at the port. The port of Thyboron ers and boilers in various materials and sizes 18001 standards.
has the best sailing conditions on the Danish –manufactured in Europe. With our expertise and a wide selection of
West coast with an eastbound entrance. courses within several specialized and cus-
Berthing is possible in all weather and the If you want to know more about our product tomized solutions, you will be assured cours-
vessels are sheltered from the wind. We are range please follow us on Linkedin and do not es of high quality and the latest knowledge.
very flexible and you will meet quick reaction hesitate to contact us.
and professionalism in all the companies on We aim to match your training needs. With
the port of Thyboron.