Page 72 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 72

      Foga ApS                             Fredericia Maskinmesterskole  Geo
      Trafikhavnskaj 19                    Købmagergade 86                     Maglebjergvej 1
      DK-6700 Esbjerg                      DK-7000 Fredericia                  DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
      Country: Denmark                     Country: Denmark                    Country: Denmark
      Dayphone: +45 75 45 11 44            Dayphone: +45 75 92 28 33           Dayphone: +45 45 88 44 44                                
      Email:             Email:                   Email:
      Contact Person: Bo Fyhring Sørensen  Contact Person: Ole Månsson         No. of employees: 200
      Mobile phone: +45 21 25 22 04        Mobile phone: +45 26 39 14 02       Contact Person: Jens Brink Clausen
                                           Knowledge center on operation and mainte-
      Foga ApS has more than 30 years experi-  nance (KCMO)                    Geo is a Danish engineering company offering
      ence in servicing the offshore industries with                           geotechnical services, onshore and offshore,
      e.g.                                 KCMO was established in January 2006. The  including site investigations & geotechnical
      „ „Information to the Fishery sector on   vision was to establish a knowledge center   design. With our in-house custom-orient-
        Offshore related activities.       focusing on knowledge sharing within the   ed-equipment, state-of-the-art laboratory and
      „ „Fisheries Liaison Officers.       areas of operation, maintenance, energy and   engineering consultancy, we cover different
      „ „Marine Mammal Observers.          environment.                        project’s aspects, counting so far more than
      „ „Consultancy.                                                          500 offshore locations for oil&gas and wind
      „ „Guard & Chase Vessels             KCMO was established at Fredericia College   sectors.
      „ „Small & medium sized survey Vessel &   of Marine and Technical Engineering.
        planes.                                                                Geo is specialised in:
                                           KCOM offers a wide range of essential cours-  „ „Seabed and geophysical surveys.
                                           es and educational programs. Our primary   „ „Geotechnical drilling, sampling, laboratory
      FORCE Technology                     task is to train engineers and technicians.   testing.
                                           KCMO will help you develop your maintenance  „ „Deep, shallow & down-the-hole CPTs.
      Park Allé 345                        program into a core activity in your company.  „ „Geotechnical instrumentation & monitor-
      DK-2605 Brøndby                                                             ing.
      Country: Denmark                     KCOM offers three diploma programs target-  „ „Field and interpretative reporting.
      Dayphone: +45 43 25 00 00            ed at managers that need management tools  „ „Jack-up assessments applicable for instal-              in every day operation. Moreover KCOM pro-  lation, operation and removal phases.
      Email:      vides numerous courses for energy optimiza-  „ „Design of remediation measures & spud-
      No. of employees: 1500               tion staff and for maintenance technicians.  can interaction with other seabed struc-
      Contact Person: Nils Linde Olsen                                            tures.
      Contact Person:         We are known for tailor-making programs to   „ „Design of foundations for oil&gas and wind
                                           satisfy certain training needs within different   energy structures.
      FORCE Technology is one of the leading   companies. If your company needs training in
      technological service companies on the   a specific field, we might be the right organi-
      international market. We transform highly   zation to contact.           Grønbech & Sønner A/S
      specialised engineering knowledge into practi-
      cal and productive solutions for a number of   For more information on present course pro-  Håndværkervej 16
      industries.                          grams, please contact course administrator   DK-6710 Esbjerg V
                                           Heidi Sørensen; phone +45 7620 6546 or   Country: Denmark
      As a government approved Research and                       Dayphone: +45 33 26 63 00
      Technology Organisation, FORCE Technology                                Nightphone: +45 72 17 14 94
      also bridges knowledge institutions and devel-  For information on customer tailor-made
      opment environments nationally as well as   training programs, please contact Instructor   Email:
      internationally, and further on to industry and  Ole Månsson;  No. of employees: 100
      society.                                                                 Contact Person: Bo Kjeldsen
                                           Information in general on KCOM can be found  Mobile phone: +45 27 80 24 45
      Products and Services                (in Danish) at  Contact Person: André Stokholm
      „ „Offshore Engineering              drift-og-vedligehold-cdv
      „ „Design verification of offshore and marine                            Grønbech & Sønner is a global player on
        structures                                                             major projects around the world. The compa-
      „ „Integrity Management              Geemit ApS                          ny was established back in 1828, is 100 %
      „ „Materials and Corrosion Management                                    Danish owned and specialized in valves, actu-
      „ „Corrosion Protection              Torskekaj 1                         ators, pumps and instrumentation.
      „ „Inspection Management (RBI)       DK-6700 Esbjerg
      „ „Maintenance Optimisation (RCM)    Country: Denmark                    As the Danish agent for CAMERON valves
      „ „Complete range of NDT services – Topside  Dayphone: +45 71 99 51 50   & measurement, we market ball valves,
        and Subsea                                         check valves, gate valves and butterfly valves,
      „ „Pressure Equipment Certification  Email:           diverter valves & double block and bleed
      „ „Crew Resource Management          No. of employees: 6                 valves.
      „ „Crisis and Emergency Training     Contact Person: Søren Hvorslev
      „ „Simulation of Marine Operations   Mobile phone: +45 24 66 52 54       We operate our own service departments
      „ „NDT services for wind turbines – blades,                              and have more than 20 years of experience
          towers and subsea structures     At Geemit we assit blue chip companies with   with both on and offshore service.
      „ „Vibration Measurement             selling and/or sharing ex. stock equipment
                                           which has become surplus. At Geemit We   Our service portfolio comprises:
      See our add on page 51               visualize equipment for trade on the world   „ „Repair of all types of valves for the oil and
                                           market.                                gas industry
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