Page 72 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 72
Foga ApS Fredericia Maskinmesterskole Geo
Trafikhavnskaj 19 Købmagergade 86 Maglebjergvej 1
DK-6700 Esbjerg DK-7000 Fredericia DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Country: Denmark Country: Denmark Country: Denmark
Dayphone: +45 75 45 11 44 Dayphone: +45 75 92 28 33 Dayphone: +45 45 88 44 44
Email: Email: Email:
Contact Person: Bo Fyhring Sørensen Contact Person: Ole Månsson No. of employees: 200
Mobile phone: +45 21 25 22 04 Mobile phone: +45 26 39 14 02 Contact Person: Jens Brink Clausen
Knowledge center on operation and mainte-
Foga ApS has more than 30 years experi- nance (KCMO) Geo is a Danish engineering company offering
ence in servicing the offshore industries with geotechnical services, onshore and offshore,
e.g. KCMO was established in January 2006. The including site investigations & geotechnical
Information to the Fishery sector on vision was to establish a knowledge center design. With our in-house custom-orient-
Offshore related activities. focusing on knowledge sharing within the ed-equipment, state-of-the-art laboratory and
Fisheries Liaison Officers. areas of operation, maintenance, energy and engineering consultancy, we cover different
Marine Mammal Observers. environment. project’s aspects, counting so far more than
Consultancy. 500 offshore locations for oil&gas and wind
Guard & Chase Vessels KCMO was established at Fredericia College sectors.
Small & medium sized survey Vessel & of Marine and Technical Engineering.
planes. Geo is specialised in:
KCOM offers a wide range of essential cours- Seabed and geophysical surveys.
es and educational programs. Our primary Geotechnical drilling, sampling, laboratory
FORCE Technology task is to train engineers and technicians. testing.
KCMO will help you develop your maintenance Deep, shallow & down-the-hole CPTs.
Park Allé 345 program into a core activity in your company. Geotechnical instrumentation & monitor-
DK-2605 Brøndby ing.
Country: Denmark KCOM offers three diploma programs target- Field and interpretative reporting.
Dayphone: +45 43 25 00 00 ed at managers that need management tools Jack-up assessments applicable for instal- in every day operation. Moreover KCOM pro- lation, operation and removal phases.
Email: vides numerous courses for energy optimiza- Design of remediation measures & spud-
No. of employees: 1500 tion staff and for maintenance technicians. can interaction with other seabed struc-
Contact Person: Nils Linde Olsen tures.
Contact Person: We are known for tailor-making programs to Design of foundations for oil&gas and wind
satisfy certain training needs within different energy structures.
FORCE Technology is one of the leading companies. If your company needs training in
technological service companies on the a specific field, we might be the right organi-
international market. We transform highly zation to contact. Grønbech & Sønner A/S
specialised engineering knowledge into practi-
cal and productive solutions for a number of For more information on present course pro- Håndværkervej 16
industries. grams, please contact course administrator DK-6710 Esbjerg V
Heidi Sørensen; phone +45 7620 6546 or Country: Denmark
As a government approved Research and Dayphone: +45 33 26 63 00
Technology Organisation, FORCE Technology Nightphone: +45 72 17 14 94
also bridges knowledge institutions and devel- For information on customer tailor-made
opment environments nationally as well as training programs, please contact Instructor Email:
internationally, and further on to industry and Ole Månsson; No. of employees: 100
society. Contact Person: Bo Kjeldsen
Information in general on KCOM can be found Mobile phone: +45 27 80 24 45
Products and Services (in Danish) at Contact Person: André Stokholm
Offshore Engineering drift-og-vedligehold-cdv
Design verification of offshore and marine Grønbech & Sønner is a global player on
structures major projects around the world. The compa-
Integrity Management Geemit ApS ny was established back in 1828, is 100 %
Materials and Corrosion Management Danish owned and specialized in valves, actu-
Corrosion Protection Torskekaj 1 ators, pumps and instrumentation.
Inspection Management (RBI) DK-6700 Esbjerg
Maintenance Optimisation (RCM) Country: Denmark As the Danish agent for CAMERON valves
Complete range of NDT services – Topside Dayphone: +45 71 99 51 50 & measurement, we market ball valves,
and Subsea check valves, gate valves and butterfly valves,
Pressure Equipment Certification Email: diverter valves & double block and bleed
Crew Resource Management No. of employees: 6 valves.
Crisis and Emergency Training Contact Person: Søren Hvorslev
Simulation of Marine Operations Mobile phone: +45 24 66 52 54 We operate our own service departments
NDT services for wind turbines – blades, and have more than 20 years of experience
towers and subsea structures At Geemit we assit blue chip companies with with both on and offshore service.
Vibration Measurement selling and/or sharing ex. stock equipment
which has become surplus. At Geemit We Our service portfolio comprises:
See our add on page 51 visualize equipment for trade on the world Repair of all types of valves for the oil and
market. gas industry