Page 69 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
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ing services as well as turn-key solutions to
       Comtec Int. A/S                     COPCO A/S                            some of the biggest and most recognized
                                                                                companies in the industry.
       Vesterhavsgade 153                  Vestkraftkaj 4 C
       DK-6700 Esbjerg                     DK-6701 Esbjerg                      We continously work with development and
       Country: Denmark                    Country: Denmark                     innovation in many different industries and
       Dayphone: +45 75 12 09 30           Dayphone: +45 75 13 60 11            therefore have extensive knowledge of var-
       Nightphone: +45 27 84 79 59 / +4    Nightphone: +45 75 13 60 11          ious sectors, diciplines and methodologies.
       Telefax: +45 75 12 09 55            Telefax: +45 75 13 60 27             We meet challenges by integrating and trans-                                   ferring our experience between industries. In
       Email:          Email:                 this way, we discover new competitive advan-
       No. of employees: 40                Contact Person: Flemming Copsø       tages and create unique solutions.
       Contact Person: Morten Espersen CEO &
       Partner                             „ „Chemicals & minerals              As an engineer and as our customer you feel
       Mobile phone: +45 2784 7959         „ „Lubrication Oil                   our passion for technology. This is the reason
       Contact Person: Kaj Gravesen        „ „Bunker Oil                        for our growth and what has made DIS/
       Mobile phone: +45 2345 0650                                              CREADIS the leading engineering company it
       Contact Person: Jonathan Isaac                                           is today. We are represented in Denmark,
       Sales manager UK                    Dan-Equip A/S                        Germany, Poland, Spain and USA, have
       Mobile phone: +44 7824 775105                                            a total of 17 departments worldwide and
       Helen Angel-Hayes,                  Taurusvej 18                         employ more than 500 dedicated engineers.
       Sales Executive USA ++1 401-9196242  DK-6700 Esbjerg
                                           Country: Denmark
       Subsidiaries:                       Dayphone: +45 75 45 10 55            DESITEK A/S
       Comtec Int. UK Ltd.                 Nightphone: +45 28 45 10 55
       Ferries House, Ferries Street       Telefax: +45 75 45 10 82             Sunekær 8
       HU9 1RH Hull                                   DK- 5471 Søndersø
       UK                                  Email:               Country: Denmark
                                           No. of employees: 11                 Dayphone: +45 63 89 32 10
       Comtec Int. USA Inc.                Contact Person: Knud Pedersen        Telefax: +45 63 89 32 20
       1213 Purchase St. Unit 2            Mobile phone: +45 28 45 18 70
       New Bedford, MA 02740                                                    Email:
       USA                                 Stockholder and supplier of:         No. of employees: 20
                                           „ „Pipes                             Contact Person: Peter Mathiasen
       Comtec Int. Taiwan                  „ „Fittings
       No. 206, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd.        „ „Flanges                           DESITEK A/S specialises in safety for electri-
       Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110        „ „Valves                            cal systems and installations.
       Taiwan                              „ „Bolts
                                           „ „Structurel steel                  Consulting engineering:
       We have the experience and knowledge                                     Lightning protection and equipotential bonding
       necessary to provide the best service
       whilst aiming to deliver a complete and   Danoil Exploration A/S         Electrical/electronic equipment:
       timely solution to our partners                                          „ „LV and MV surge arresters
                                           Åhave Parkvej 11                     „ „Cable joints and terminations systems
       We are proud of our success of aligning   DK-8260 Viby J                 „ „Power supply - inverters, converters, UPS-
       our partners’ requirements for Personal   Country: Denmark                 systems and battery
       Protictive Equipment to our easily accessible   Dayphone: +45 21 40 70 31  „ „solutions
       and bespoke webshops & catalogues. Our   Nightphone: +45 21 40 70 31
       aim is to add value and provide the a cost               Foundations for offshore wind:
       reduction for our partners.         Email:              „ „Materials for foundation earthing/equipo-
                                           No. of employees: 2                    tential bonding/HV cable accessories
       We are located at the Harbour in Esbjerg,   Contact Person: Svend A. L. Christensen
       DK, Hull & Grimsby, UK, New Bedford, USA   Mobile phone: +45 21 40 70 31  Safety eq & services:
       and Taipei, TW.                                                          „ „Arc fault protection and personal protec-
                                           Oil- and Gas Exploration and Production  tive equipment
       „ „EN11611, EN11612, EN1149-5,                                           „ „Electrical safety equipment - also for
         EN631, EN471 and IEC61482 approved                                       Ex-areas
         working cloth.                    Dansk IngeniørService A/S            „ „Tools for work according to the 5 safety
       „ „Safety Equipment.                                                       rules and live working
       „ „Working- and profile clothing    Ørstedsvej 10                        „ „(EN 50110)
       „ „Life jackets and survival suits  8660 Skanderborg                     „ „Maintenance test of voltage detectors and
       „ „Fall protection - harness        Country: Denmark                       EaS-devices
       „ „General supply & Service         Dayphone: +45 87 38 74 50
       „ „Rope & Wire            
                                           No. of employees: 500
                                           Contact Person: Morten Basse
                                           Dansk IngeniørService A/S (DIS) is a R&D
                                           company providing consultancy and engineer-

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