Page 70 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
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„ „Environment Protection           and energy management. We support cus-
      DHI A/S                              „ „Risk Management                  tomers around the globe in delivering a safe,
                                           „ „Assistance in preparing QA-systems for   reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy
      Agern Allé 5                           certification                     supply.
      DK-2970 Hørsholm                     „ „Auditing of QA-systems
      Country: Denmark                     „ „Translation of technical material.  Services include:
      Dayphone: +45 45 16 92 16                                                „ „Power and renewables advisory and moni-                                                            toring services
      Email:             DNV GL DENMARK A/S                  „ „Renewables certification
      No. of employees: 1100                                                   „ „Energy storage services
      Contact Person: Thor Ugelvig Petersen  Dokken 10                         „ „Digitalization of energy
      Mobile phone: +45 26 82 39 35        DK-6700 Esbjerg                     „ „Energy management services
      Contact Person:     Country: Denmark
                                           Dayphone: +45 79 12 86 00           Business Assurance
      DHI is a specialist engineering company with             Combining technical, digital and industry
      headquarters based North of Copenhagen   Email:        expertise, we help customers in all industry
      and offices in 30 countries worldwide. We   No. of employees: 12000      sectors build sustainable business perfor-
      provide engineering and consultancy ser-  Contact Person: Lars Præst Ørsted   mance and create stakeholder trust.
      vices to the offshore industry. This includes
      advanced methods within hydrodynamics.   DNV GL is a global quality assurance and   Services include:
                                           risk management company. Driven by our   „ „Management system certification
      Our core services include:           purpose of safeguarding life, property and   „ „Product certification & assurance
      „ „ Design basis for offshore structures:   the environment, we enable organizations to   „ „Supply chain solutions & assurance
        Metocean data, modelling and analyses  advance the safety and sustainability of their   „ „Sustainability practices solutions, audits &
      „ „ Hindcast, nowcast and forecast of sea   business.                       strategy
        states worldwide                                                       „ „Competence training & personnel certifi-
      „ „ Incorporating extreme sea states into   Combining technical, digital and operational   cation
        design                             expertise, risk methodology and in-depth   „ „Functional safety training & assessment
      „ „ Physical- and numerical model testing  industry knowledge, we empower our cus-  „ „Digital assurance solutions for supply
      „ „ Scour and scour protection       tomers’ decisions and actions with trust   chains, ecosystems and packaged goods
      „ „ Load and response for offshore structures  and confidence. We continuously invest in   „ „Healthcare accreditation & certification
      „ „ Survey and monitoring            research and collaborative innovation to pro-  „ „Food & beverage industry solutions
      „ „ Long term stability of seabed    vide customers and society with technological
      „ „ Choice and location of structures  and operational foresight.        Digital Solutions
      „ „ Water-structure-seabed interaction  With origins stretching back to 1864, and   We provide digital solutions for managing
      „ „ Environmental Impact Assessment  operations in 100 countries, our profession-  risk, improving safety and performance
                                           als are dedicated to helping customers make   across industries, including maritime, oil and
                                           the world safer, smarter and greener.  gas, energy and healthcare.
      DK-Consult ApS
                                           Maritime                            Services include:
      Æblegård 2                           We help enhance the safety, efficiency and   „ „Generic and industry specific software
      DK-8700 Horsens                      sustainability of our customers in the global   „ „Tailored analytics solutions
      Country: Denmark                     shipping industry, covering all vessel types   „ „Digitalization and data management advi-
      Dayphone: +45 75 65 85 85            and mobile offshore units.             sory
      Nightphone: +45 75 65 85 85                                              „ „Cyber security assurance, advisory and
      Email:            Services include:                      penetration testing
      Contact Person: Hans Chr. Dahlerup Koch  „ „Classification of ships and mobile offshore   „ „Veracity open data platform
      Mobile phone: +45 2980 6258            units
                                           „ „Certification of materials and components  See our add on page 41
      You have to update your ISO 9001 to   „ „Technical, safety, business risk and envi-
      meet the new requirements for your Risk   ronmental advisory
      Assessment to cover your commercial activ-  „ „Training and competence-related services  Dogis A/S
      ities, too.
      Let us spare you the time and bother. We   Oil & Gas                     Måde Engvej 7
      are a consulting company providing assis-  From project initiation to decommissioning,   DK-6700 Esbjerg
      tance when updating or setting up Quality   we provide technical advice to enable oil and   Country: Denmark
      Assurance,Safety,Risk Assessment and   gas companies to enhance safety, increase   Dayphone: +45 75 13 95 11
      Environment Protection systems.      reliability and manage costs in projects and   Nightphone: +45 75 13 95 11
      DK-Consult has assisted more than 50 com-                                Email:
      panies in obtaining an ISO-certificate for their   Services include:     No. of employees: 5
      systems, and we have a long record of suc-  „ „Risk management advisory  Contact Person: Janus Hygom
      cessfully implementing management systems   „ „Technical advisory        Contact Person: Leon Hansen
      for companies operating in the energy and   „ „Noble Denton marine services
      related industry.                    „ „Technical assurance: Certification and veri-  DOGIS A/S is a service company serving the
                                             fication; Inspection              offshore industry !
      DK-Consult provides:
      „ „Assistance in compiling manuals, for:  Energy                         Our core business areas are:
      „ „Quality Assurance                 We deliver testing and advisory services to   „ „Rental of oilfield equipment.
      „ „Safety Management Systems (SMS)   the energy value chain including renewables   „ „Warehousing - indoor and outdoor.

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