Page 14 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 14



         TYRA FIELD                                            By Morten Hahn-Pedersen, historian

          At 01:20 in the morning on Saturday the 21st of

          September 2019, history was made over the North Sea
          as Total (the operator of DUC) turned the taps,

          shutting down production in the Tyra field in the
          Danish part of the North Sea for a while.

          Almost 35 years had passed since prime minister at the   sufficient to clear the highest waves. At the same time,
          time, Poul Schlütter, officially began gas supply from the   new wave research provided increased insight into the
          North Sea to Danish consumers with a symbolic press   energy that could accumulate at the top of a wave. For
          of the start button in the control room in Tyra East on   safety reasons, seperate accommodation platforms have
          the 1st of October 1984, beginning a new era of Danish   been in place during winter so that Tyra’s crew could be
          energy supply.                                       evacuated in stormy weather. But this was an emergency
                                                               solution which was not sufficient in the long term. Other
          Since then, the Tyra field has served Danish society   radical solutions needed to be implemented if Tyra’s
          well. The field has produced both oil and gas in large   future were to be secured.
          amounts. Over the years, from the beginning in 1984 to
          the end in 2018, a good 190 million barrels (bbls) of oil/  Total’s predecessor as operator of DUC, Maersk Oil,
          condensate and gas (equivalent to 631 million barrels   had been working on a solution to the Tyra problem.
          of oil equivalent (boe)) have been produced from just   The North Sea Agreement in 2017 achieved the right
          the Tyra field. Tyra was the centre of Danish natural gas   framework conditions for the implementation of new
          production from the beginning. This position was subse-  major projects in the North Sea, and in December 2017,
          quently expanded as a series of satellite fields were con-  DUC made the final decision on the biggest ever North
          structed and connected to Tyra. At the beginning of 2019   Sea investment in the Tyra field. The goal was not only
          more than 90% of Denmark’s natural gas passed through   to secure Tyra and bring the field’s facilities up to date, it
          Tyra, which was also the starting point for the export of   was to rebuild Tyra in a new and modernised form, using
          Danish natural gas from the North Sea to the European   the most advanced technology on the market. The Tyra
          market via a special pipeline to the Netherlands.    of the future would provide safer, cheaper and cleaner
                                                               energy, as well as having infrastructure that would allow
          In other words, what has been closed down is a piece of   the development of new, smaller fields related to hydro-
          national history, as well as a central element of Danish   carbon resources which it had hitherto been unprofitable
          energy infrastructure in the North Sea.              to exploit.

          The Tyra field requires redevelopment due to subsidence   With Total’s acquisition of Maersk Oil, which was an-
          of the chalk reservoir that has led to the platform sinking   nounced in August 2017 and finally completed in March
          by around 5 meters over the last 30 years, reducing the   2018, Total also undertook operation of DUC and all the
          gap between the sea and the platform decks. In rough   associated obligations, including the implementation of
          weather the remaining distance of 15 metres was not   the large renewal project for Tyra.

                                                   12 / TYRA REDEVELOPMENT                                                                                                13 / TYRA REDEVELOPMENT
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