Page 11 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 11

Bel Air had to reshuffle the deck when the helicopter operator’s
           three largest contracts in its core market in the North Sea went to   IT WAS A TOUGH
           competitors in 2017. This has led Bel Air to new markets and, not
                                                                  PERIOD, BUT WE HAVE
           least, new realisations about their own skills.
                                                                   FOUND NEW AREAS
                                                                AND NEW CUSTOMERS

                                                                      FOR NEW WORK.
                                                                    WHAT WE’VE BEEN

                                                                THROUGH TOGETHER
                                                                 HAS MADE US A MORE

                                                                   CLOSE-KNIT TEAM,
                                                                 AND WE ARE CONTIN-

                                                                       UING TO WORK
                                                                         DILIGENTLY TO

                                                                    REGAIN CONTRACTS
                                                                  IN THE DANISH PART

                                                                   OF THE NORTH SEA,

                                                                     SAYS FOUNDER AND PILOT
                                                                      SUSANNE HESSELLUND, WHO
                                                                   REMAINS THE OWNER-MANAGER
                                                                      OF THE DANISH COMPANY

                                                               Bel Air was built to service operators, primarily in the
                                                               Danish part of the North Sea. But the company also had
                                                               good contacts with other operators and potential mar-
                                                               kets that they had not pursued earlier. The contacts and
                                                               opportunities were utilised.

                                                               “On 2nd July, 2017 – two days after we lost the contracts
                                                               – five employees flew to Den Helder by helicopter and
                                                               began servicing Wintershall with ad hoc flights, and on
          The two important contracts had been the basis for an   7th July, we had the first external AW189 helicopter in
          operation which involved 75 employees and five helicop-  for its one-year servicing. Within a week, we started per-
          ters and ran from the base in Esbjerg Airport, and with   forming new tasks,” Susanne Hessellund says.
          the lost flights, the company was largely left with ad hoc
          assignments, which also suffered from low oil prices.   AN EXTENDED BUSINESS AREA
                                                               Ad hoc flights for Wintershall later developed into a
          “It was completely quiet,” Susanne Hessellund recalls.  permanent contract, and at the beginning of 2020, Bel
                                                               Air started a three-year contract with an option for
          PLAN B CAME INTO PLAY                                extension with Wintershall and established a base of
          Bel Air had been banking on winning the contracts again   operations in Den Helder.
          but had also been preparing for the scenario they now
          faced. Plan B was put into action. It was a plan which   “We have been selected for the qualities which I”m
          required a significant reorganisation of the business and   proud of: That we have a strong and competent team
          streamlining of the organisation, but one which also   which is focused on servicing the customer optimally
          opened up new opportunities in another set-up.       and that we are an agile operator with decision-making   ▲

                                             9 / BEL AIR HAS CARVED OUT A  NEW  MARKET
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