Page 6 - Danish Offshore Industry 2020
P. 6




          The last five years on earth were the warmest in record-  the de-ployment of offshore wind in Danish waters is far
          ed history. Ocean water levels are rising at an alarming   from over.
          pace and we have seen record low extent of Arctic sea
          ice. The United Nations’ IPCC Special Report on Global   The 2018 Energy Agreement includes the establishment
          Warming of 1.5-degree from the fall of 2018 clearly   of three new offshore wind farms that will supply at
          states that it will require high ambitions and hard work   least 2,400 MW to the energy system by 2030. The
          to curb warming at 1.5 degrees.                      Thor offshore wind farm is the first of the three to be
                                                               tendered and will be located in the North Sea, west of
          Thankfully, there is also good news. Wind energy from   Nissum Fjord, at a distance of minimum 20 km from the
          the North Sea alone has the potential to provide elec-  coast.
          tricity to 100 million households in Europe and a recent
          IEA report concluded that offshore wind could generate   The favorable wind patterns in the North Sea makes it
          11 times the world’s electricity demand. The IEA report   an ideal site for offshore wind turbines. For this reason,
          also concludes that offshore wind is now cheaper than   the Energy Agreement sets a clear target to de-velop
          conventional energy and that prices are expected to   this area into a global offshore wind region through en-
          drop by as much as 60 percent by 2040. The latest report   hanced regional cooperation. In this regard, the Danish
          from The World Bank esti-mates that global investments   government is currently conducting the initial assessment
          in offshore wind will exceed 4.500 billion DKK over the   of a possible Danish energy hub with a capacity of min-
          next ten years.                                      imum 10 GW. The final decision on whether to build an
                                                               energy hub and where it will be located has not been
          Therefore, as a global leader of offshore wind Denmark   taken yet.
          needs to continue pledging ambitious targets for
          offshore wind deployment. Last year, a unified Danish   I believe that companies, researchers, NGOs and the
          Parliament set out to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 at   government need to work together in order for the
          the latest. This year, our newly formed government has   Danish offshore wind industry to become instrumental in
          set a goal to reduce Denmark’s greenhouse gas emissions   the global fight against climate change. By investing in
          by 70 percent in 2030. Both targets will be legally bind-  green energy, offering cutting edge solutions and bring-
          ing and entail a concrete plan for monitoring progress.  ing forward new technology, the Danish off-shore wind
                                                               industry can help pave and lead the way for a global
          Part of the solution is further offshore wind deployment   green transi-tion.
          and everyone knows that Denmark is the home of off-
          shore wind power.                                    2019 has also been an important year in regards to the
                                                               oil and gas activities in the Danish part of the North Sea.
          The Danish success story has been written by visionary   In January, the sale of American Chevron to the global
          politicians, entrepre-neurial minded engineers and a   oil super major Total S.A. was approved. Moreover, in
          strong bold industry, as well as their willingness to work   April, the sale of Shell to the Norwegian oil and gas com-
          closely together. Today, we have 1,700 MW offshore   pany Noreco was approved. Further-more after passing
          wind capacity in Denmark.                            a bill regarding the Danish subsoils, exploration and
                                                               drilling for oil, gas and shale gas on land and in coastal
          This August, we inaugurated the largest Danish offshore   waters has officially ended.
          wind farm to date, Horns Rev 3. Horns Rev 3 is placed
          in the North Sea and will be able to cover the electricity   In April, an agreement was settled with the Danish
          consumption of 425,000 Danish households. However,   Underground Consortium re-garding the modernization

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