Page 67 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
P. 67

Certifications & Standards:         Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S           Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S also provides
       Maersk Training is ISO 9001:2008, ISO                                    advisory services within welding technology.
       14001 and OSHAS 18001 certified by DNV   Hammeren 5
       GL. The courses are conducted in accord-  DK-6715 Esbjerg N              Pressure Equipment services
       ance with relevant industry standards such   Country: Denmark            Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is a Notified
       as DEA, IMO, IASST, OPITO and GWO   Dayphone: +45 75 24 69 60            body (#2735) and hold accreditations for
                                           Nightphone: +45 75 24 69 60          verification and periodic inspections of pres-
       The people:                         Telefax: +45 75 15 69 85             sure equipment. Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S
       Maersk Training is proud of a well-qualified,             can supply the following services for pres-
       motivated and service minded team that   Email:             sure equipment:
       always focuses on the customers’ needs.  No. of employees: 120
       The number of employees today counts 35   Contact Person: Niels E. Madsen  n   Conformity assessment according to the
       persons in Esbjerg; including highly educated   Mobile phone: +45 29 65 95 60  pressure equipment directive, and other
       firemen, nurses, medics, chief officers, navi-                             standards Installation verification.
       gators and other professionals with practical   Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is a trusted   n   Periodic inspection.
       field experience.                   partner who is accredited for a variety of   n   Pressure testing.
                                           services to the industry:            n   Leak testing.
       Our main courses
                                           NDT services                         Storage Tank Services
       Oil & Gas:                          Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is accredited   Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S has certified
       n   OPITO BOSIET, OPITO FOET, OPITO HUET,   by DANAK as a Testing service provider.   EEMUA 159 Storage Tank inspectors.
         OPITO IMIST, OPITO FRC Boatman,   Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S can provide   NSK can supply both in service and out of
         OPITO FRC Coxswain, OPITO AMA, OPITO   Testing/examination by the following meth-  service inspections of storage tanks.
         ITSO, Danish Emergency Team Member   ods:
         (DETM), Offshore Specific First Aid                                    Destructive testing services
                                           n   Ultrasonic Testing (UT)          Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S has a destruc-
       Maritime:                           n   Radiographic Testing (RT)        tive testing laboratory that is accredited
       n   STCW BST, STCW Fire Fighting Training,   n   Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)  by DANAK to comply with ISO 17025. The
         STCW FRB, STCW Combi-Boat incl.   n   Penetrant Testing (PT)           test laboratory mainly tests the specimens
         Freefall simulator                n   Eddy Current Testing (ET)        produced for qualification of welding proce-
                                           n   Visual Testing (VT)              dures. Reclassification of materials by class
       Wind:                               n   Phased Array Testing (UT)        societies is also performed here. The test
       n   GWO Sea Survival, GWO First Aid,   n   Time-of-flight diffraction UT (TOFD)  methods provided are:
         GWO Working at Heights, GWO Manual   n   Crack depth measurement
         Handling, GWO Fire Awereness,GWO                                       n   Tensile testing
         Basic Technical Training (Mechanical,   Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S can perform UT   n   Charpy impact testing
         Electrical, Hydraulics) GWO Advanced   and ET testing methods under water as well,   n   Hardness measurement
         Rescue, GWO Enhanced First Aid- and   in collaboration with a diver.   n   Cheical composition testing
         other future GWO standard courses.   Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is approved   n   Microscopic examination
         Also development and execution of cus-  by DNVGL and ABS to perform Thickness   n   Macroscopic examination
         tomer specific course are in the course   Measurements of Hull Structure.  n   Ferrite measurement / ferrite counting
         calender.                         Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is Part 145   n   Corrosion testing
                                           approved to perform NDT on aircrafts.
                                                                                Certifying according to DS/EN 1090 and
                                           Welding services                     DS/EN 3834 Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S
                                           Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S is accredited   provides advisory and certification of compa-
                                           by DANAK to comply with ISO 17020 &   nies according to the following:
                                           17024 as an inspection service provider   DS/EN 1090-1 Execution of steel struc-
                                           within welding. Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S   tures and aluminum structures - Part 1:
                                           can assist with the following:       Requirements for conformity assessment
                                                                                of structural components DS/EN ISO 3834
                                           n   Witness welding procedure qualification   Quality requirements for fusion welding of
                                              tests.                            metallic materials.
                                           n   Perform required destructive testing of
                                              test specimens in own lab.
                                           n   Supply welding procedures based on
                                           n   Conformity assessment of welding proce-
                                              dures according to PED and other statu-
                                              tory requirements.
                                           n   Certify welders to the required welding
                                              procedures and welding positions.
                                           n   Post weld heat treatment.
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