Page 71 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
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With our expertise and a wide selection of   Rybners Kursuscenter        SafeExIT A/S
       courses within several specialized and cus-
       tomized solutions, you will be assured cours-  Spangsbjerg Møllevej 72   Herstedøstervej 19
       es of high quality and the latest knowledge.  DK-6700 Esbjerg            DK-2600 Glostrup
                                           Country: Denmark                     Country: Denmark
       We aim to match your training needs. With   Dayphone: +45 79 13 44 44    Dayphone: +45 43 45 50 10
       Rescue Center Denmark you will get a part-   Telefax: +45 43 45 50 11
       ner that can advise you on many training   Email:
       issues.                             No. of employees: 550                Email:
                                           Contact Person: Brita Billing        No. of employees: 12
       We believe the customers profits from   Mobile phone: +45 6122 0955      Contact Person: Peter Wenøe
       cross-disciplinary knowledge, new ideas, and
       total solutions. We are ready to provide you   Rybners Kursuscenter offers courses and   Explosion protected equipment
       a professional service at a solid level of pro-  training within instrumentation, calibration,   n   Ex Torches, Portable lamps.
       fessionalism.                       adjustment, hydraulics, pneumatics, elec-  n   Ex fluorescent light fittings, pendant
                                           tricity as well as electricity safety and PLC.   lamps and flood lights.
       Rescue Center Denmark is based on more   Furthermore the centre offers courses and   n   Ex signal and Escape sign luminaries.
       than 20 years of experience in the develop-  training within most types of welding, rel-  n   Ex signal and alarm equipment (MEDC).
       ing of educational solutions. In 2016, we   evant certifications included. The recently   n   Ex CEE Plugs and sockets and eXLink
       had an average of 326 students / course   released GWO Basic Technical Training is   connectors.
       participants every week.            also a part of our training placed in Rescue   n   Ex Junction and terminal boxes in
                                           Center Denmark.                        Polyester (GRP) or Stainless steel (304L
       See our add on page 39                                                     or 316L) custom made.
                                           Rybners Kursuscenter has modern facilities   n   Ex Cable glands for Ex e, Ex d, Ex i and
                                           which fully meet the requirements of our   barrier glands for Ex d enclosures.
                                           customers.                           n   Ex Control stations, custom made.
       Roxtec Denmark ApS                                                       n   Ex Safety and main switches.

                                           The centre montitors the constant develop-  n   Ex Distribution boards Ex d solutions in
       Huginsvej 3                         ment in the offshore industry and the Wind   aluminum and Stainless steel and Ex de
       DK-3400 Hillerød                    Turbine Industry. In close cooperation with   Solutions in Polyester (GRP) or Stainless
       Country: Denmark                    the customers we adapt existing courses   steel (304L or 316L) custom made.
       Dayphone: +45 24 52 38 80           and develops new courses to meet new   n   Ex Heaters, process heaters, air duct                       requirements.                          heaters, Packaged Heating Systems,
       Email:                                             control systems, air heaters, line heaters
       No. of employees: 10                See our add on page 39                 and immersion heaters.
       Contact Person: Lis Bendixen                                             n   Ex p - Pressurized panels, control, Ex p
       Mobile phone: +45 24 52 38 80                                              solutions for large motors, room pres-
                                                                                  surization and computer workstations.
                                           Rødgaards Import A/S
       Our flexible system is used in projects                                  n   Ex Cooper Crouse-Hinds NEC American
       worldwide to protect life and assets and to                                equipment.
       ensure safety and operational reliability.  Darumvej 47
                                           DK-6700 Esbjerg                      Marine and industrial versions of many prod-
       Thanks to the invention of Multidiameter™,   Country: Denmark            ucts, please contact us for further informa-
       a solution that improved the process of seal-  Dayphone: +45 75 12 58 11  tion
       ing cable and pipe penetrations, our compa-  Nightphone: +45 40 96 58 11
       ny experienced an impressive growth. We   Telefax: +45 75 12 59 55       SafeExIT A/S is specialized in explosion pro-
       maintained our entrepreneurial spirit, our           tected electrical equipment for hazardous
       customer focus and our strong Roxtec Core   Email:     areas according to European, IEC Ex and
       Values. Today, we provide complete sealing   No. of employees: 30        NEC standards. ATEX certificates for all
       solutions for a wide range of applications   Contact Person: Peter Aalund  products are standard as well as extensive
       in many industries. Roxtec safety seals are                              temperature ranges.
       found on land, at sea and underground. Our   All kinds of tools.
       co-operation with customers creates excel-  n   SKF ball and roller bearings and seals.  We are distributor for the world largest
       lent conditions for continuous development.   n   Bolts (Metric - BSW - UNC - UNF).  manufacturer of explosion protected prod-
       The teamwork enables us to tailor new solu-  n   Transmission elements. Gases (Oxygen,   ucts Cooper Crouse-Hinds and represent
       tions – and stimulates us to keep on explor-  acetylene, CO2, helium etc.)  other manufactures to complete our range
       ing new markets.                    n   CHESTERTON Packings              of products.
                                           n   Hydraulic couplings, hoses etc.
                                           n   Hoist and lifting tackle.        Due to the outstanding quality of the prod-
                                           n   Wire ropes.                      ucts and the experience of our employees
                                           n   Atlas Copco pneumatic tools.     through many years, SafeExIT A/S is the
                                           n   Stockroom shelves and trestles.  partner for your application.
                                           n   SECO Tool bits.
                                           n   Cotton waste and rags.
                                           n   ESAB welding material.                                          69
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