Page 64 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
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HH-Consult A/S a comprehensive stock of spare parts and nance. More than 25 years of experience in
components. supply of hydraulic tools, primary for instal-
Glarmestervej 22 lation and service of wind turbines, acknowl-
DK-6710 Esbjerg V Additionally, we provide a great variety of edge our ability to not only supply tools
Country: Denmark products like test systems, remote well solutions when needed, but also the correct
Dayphone: +45 76 10 40 55 head panels, gas boosters, pump systems solution for the specific task.
Telefax: +45 76 10 40 56 etc. for rental for customers with urgent need or infrequent use where purchase not Cutting cost for total energy production is
Email: is profitable. in focus and HYTOR Tools Solutions are
No. of employees: 70 able to provide you with an on-site container
Contact Person: Joan Bonde Bach Quality system certified according to DS/ solution for calibration, service, repair and
Contact Person: Hardy Lauritsen EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2014 and maintenance of your torque, lifting, flange
OHSAS 18001:2008 and of cause certified and similar tools on-site, making it possible
HH-Consult employs and recruits engineers, by Achilles JQS as well. to optimise both the quantity of tools plus
supervisors, project managers and other avoid costly and timely transportation to and
highly qualified technical staff for a number The difference is in the reliability combined from the workshop.
of disciplines for project jobs worldwide with experience, process understanding,
product knowhow and comprehensive prod- Traceability and documentation is a key
Key Areas: uct program, complying with the strictest factor within the wind turbine industry and
n Engineering international safety and certification require- we can provide hydraulic and electrical
n Project management ments such as PED and ATEX. tools with complete datalogging, taking the
n Expediting installation safety to the next level. Further
n Document Control In-house knowledge and experience for all sold and serviced tools are registered in
n Material Control design, engineering and Construction of: our web and app solution Tool Management
n Process n Chemical injection System. This enables you to access your
n QA/QC Inspection n Wellhead control panels entire fleet of tools and collect documenta-
n HSE n Process control tion and certificates on-site and around the
n Inspection and Supervision n Hydraulic control clock.
n Technical Assistance n Spooling units
n Planning n Hose reels Additionally, we provide a great variety of
n Contract Surveillance n Pumps and valves tools like torque wrenches, nutrunneres and
n Design n Fittings and tubing power packs for rental for customers with
n FSV valve urgent need or infrequent use where pur-
n Gauges and cylinders chase not is profitable.
n Hoses and regulators
HYTOR Fluid Solutions A/S n High pressure equipment Quality system certified according to DS/
n Pneumatics EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2014 and
Guldborgsundvej 1 n Test pumps OHSAS 18001:2008 and of cause certified
DK-6705 Esbjerg Ø n Pressure test equipment by Achilles JQS as well.
Country: Denmark n Chemical injection
Dayphone: +45 79 13 00 00 n Gas boosters and compressors Tools and tools solutions capabilities: n Leak detection n On-site calibration - container solutions
Email: n Compressed air n On-site calibration - truck solutions
No. of employees: 62 n Tools Container
Contact Person: Johnny Rosenvinge-Grønne See our add on page 31 n Tool Kits
Contact Person: Niels G. Langerhuus n Tools - hydraulics; torque, tension lift,
flange, multipliers etc.
Design, engineering and construction of n Tools - electric; nutrunners, multipliers
specialized hydraulic and process systems HYTOR Tools Solutions A/S etc.
for downstream and upstream use in the oil n Generator sets
and gas industry, as well as the specialized Guldborgsundvej 1 n Power Packs
industry and power plants. DK-6705 Esbjerg Ø n Service, repair and maintenance of
Country: Denmark hydraulic and electrical tools
With proven records established over the Dayphone: +45 79 13 00 00 n On-line Tool Management System for
last 40 years we guide, advise and engineer online access to documentation on tools
solutions that optimize our customers pro- Email:
duction additionally ensuring optimum ser- No. of employees: 62 For customers considering renting tools
vice and maintenance conditions. Contact Person: Martin Sørensen we provide:
Contact Person: Niels G. Langerhuus n Torque tools
We are our customers engineering and ser- n Tensioning tools
vice competence centre within hydraulics, Experienced and well proven partner for n Power packs
pneumatics, high pressure, process control, supply of specialized hydraulic and electrical
pumps and dosing of e.g. chemicals with tools, calibration, service, repair and mainte- See our add on page 31