Page 13 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
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the replacement of the old topsides and installation of
new process modules as some of the highlights to come,
but there is no doubt that the close-down will be the
first serious test of the entire project.
“Naturally, risk management is an essential part of all
aspects of the project, and during the latest six years we
have addressed the understanding of the risks and poten-
tials of the various elements of the job. It is of paramount
importance for us to have a realistic understanding of the
duration of each activity. And we have to be aware of
how to manage the process if unforeseen risks material-
ize. That is the very essence in being ready for a job like
this, and every stage provides us with the opportunity of
validating if our assumptions are correct. We learnt our
lessons from the jobs we have performed during 2018,
and they confirm the robustness of our theories,” explains
Morten Hesselager, who in step with the increasing man-
hours is also focusing on the continuation of the project.
“I really feel that we are placed in the best possible
position for this job, but, obviously, we are monitoring
the progress and the future steps closely. Among other
things we understand that problems may turn up at a
start-up following the low activity level having char-
acterized the oil & gas industry, so we keep an eye on
the three yards working for us. How much of their staff
consists of old hands, and from where are they hiring
new staff? The same goes for our local suppliers. We, as
an integrated part of the entire team, are to ensure that
the right personnel are handling the jobs. That, actually,
is the most important part of the entire project,” states
will be the steep path leading up to the peaks of all Morten Hesselager who is looking forward to the day,
the parameters,” explains Head of Tyra Future, Morten when the historic event shall take place.
Hesselager Pedersen, who takes pleasure in the fact, that
pre-planning of the project has developed better than
anticipated at the three production sites in Spain, Italy
and Malaysia, respectively.
“They are the three essential factors. We have seen first
steel cut in all of the three sites, and thereby we are
approaching the end of the engineering part, so now we
can fully focus on the construction itself. Furthermore,
an extra pipeline has been laid securing gas production
for a period, and that, alone, is a major challenge in the
preparation for the close-down which we are to make
safe and efficient in close cooperation with Operations,
Construction and our key suppliers,” concludes Morten
Hesselager, who is pleased with the solutions created
thanks to this smooth cooperation.
“One of the things I am proud of on behalf of my team is
the mindset we activate when developing an innovative
solution with for instance SubC Partner being just perfect
for the job. Their solution makes it possible to work
in the splashzone, a job which conventionally would
require lowering down personnel or mobilizing a diving
vessel. This new technology is a fine example of how we
can both optimize safety and be cost-effective.”
The gradual closing-down of the Tyra will take place Morten Hesselager Pedersen.
from April and till November 1st, so in 2020 the proper Photo: Total
re-construction will start up. Morten Hesselager describes