Page 33 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
P. 33
If you do not catch the train in that process you risk ending up like a dinosaur lying down waiting to die, and if you believe that the crisis is soon over, then you are wrong. Johannes Bie, Interim CEO “It is not up to us to tell anybody how to do things, but operator be left with all the problems?” asks Kromann we have to come up with ideas and suggestions. There Bie who is generally fnding rays of light in the sector for is a market for decommissioning in the Danish sector of wind energy. the North Sea worth some DKK 10-25 billion per year, so here we may run the movie backwards as we are bound “In the market for oil and gas we are a small nation with to have available many of the competences needed. We small companies, but we are the ones who launched the are considering the possibility of taking one step more idea of wind energy, so here we can prove ourselves as by looking at the British sector where they have taken the world champions if we grit our teeth. There are def- the initiative. They have a group of some 365 member nitely challenges in this industry, too, but here the actors companies fully occupied with decommission. We shall started from another platform, and they are doing a fne soon suggest something like that,” states Kromann Bie job. Here operators sit down with their suppliers, and who is generally suggesting for the industry to look at that is a concept I feel can reach far. It is useful to call in the marked through new glasses. the specialists with the good ideas as the operators may rightly choose between them, and I think a lot of ideas “Learn to make business in the present market, and if are lying in wait under the carpet. I can only pray for the oil prices should climb up again, then we can all be them to be pulled out in the open. I hope we can intro- content. It is a question of being proactive. Too many duce such a concept in the oil and gas industry, as such companies are being lethargic and inactive. Any re- working groups are most benefcial to both parties,” sponsible operator has to demand activities to be much states Kromann Bie, who based on his background in the cheaper to make both ends meet, and that decline must oil and gas industry is working at setting up two tracks necessarily be spread over the entire supply chain. Hardly in a new structure of The work is still many of the companies being met with a demand for going on, but one thing is for certain – he is not sitting lower prices have been knocking on the door suggest- down like a dinosaur waiting to die, because that is no ing a lower price for their service, and why should the option in the present market. ■ 31 / DANGEROUS TO DINOSAURS