Page 32 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
P. 32
DANGEROUS TO DINOSAURS There is a need for thinking along new lines in a pressed market, and is trying to inspire its member companies to look at new methods. The alternative is scaring. Not being afraid of calling a spade a spade, the state- things in a cheaper way. From the very start everybody ments from Johannes Kromann Bie, Interim CEO Offsho- knew that the subsidies could not last forever, that is, are unambiguous, and they do not paint a why they were constantly working at reducing the cost rosy picture of an industry where not all of its players are of energy. In wind power the costs are primarily centered aware of what they have been hit by. around construction, as operation is comparatively cheap, so here the aim is to save up to 40% on new “You cannot remove two thirds of the proft from oil/ constructions before 2020. I would like to see the oil/gas gas and then believe that you can all earn the same as industry set targets just as ambitious, and here it is not a before. As a supplier you must realize that this is the question of a fgure but more about sending up the bal- situation you are faced with, so either you have to run loon as far as possible. An ambitious target would take your business in a new way, or you may perhaps look at us far,” Kromann Bie states, as it is his frm impression another area like wind power, which at the moment is that the present depression was unavoidable. booming. If you do not catch the train in that process you risk ending up like a dinosaur lying down waiting to “I do not say that the companies have been totally die, and if you believe that the crisis is soon over, then lethargic, but for a period of perhaps fve years they you are wrong,” states Kromann Bie in his usual pointed have primarily focused on producing as much as possible way, while he, himself, is focusing on what has worked in the shortest possible time, whatever the cost. But we successfully in other situations. should not forget that according to a report from Wood Mackenzie operational costs increased by 10 to 17% each “Wind power is demonstrating a great pioneering spirit. year, so whatever the cause, a reduction would have Here everybody is raised by the idea that they have to do taken place within the next 3-4 years. We have to bend the curve, and here we can take a look at companies making cars, televisions etc. We have to make an effort to keep the costs down, and the report stated, too, that it was indeed possible to cut down to half the non-value FACTS creating activities,” points out Kromann Bie. / OFFSHOREENERGY.DK IS THE OFFICIAL NATIONAL KNOWLEDGE CENTER AND THE INNOVATION “It is possibly more realistic to save some 50%, and even NETWORK FOR THE DANISH OFFSHORE INDUSTRY, if we naturally must always consider safety it should be FOUNDED BY DANISH AGENCY FOR SCIENCE, TECH- possible to standardize, increase effciency and reduce NOLOGY AND INNOVATION. waste of time by better planning.” / ON BEHALF OF ITS MEMBER COMPANIES AND LOOK AT DECOMMISSIONING INSTITUTIONS OFFSHOREENERGY.DK INITIATES DE- While Kromann Bie in no way claims to have the solution VELOPMENT WITH THE AIM OF GROWTH WITHIN THE to all the challenges he is not afraid of proposing some DANISH OFFSHORE INDUSTRY. ideas which the members of may grab at will. One of his alternatives concerns the decommis- / IMORE THAN 270 COMPANIES AND KNOWLEDGE sioning of the present infrastructure frstly in Norway INSTITUTIONS HAVE JOINED THE ORGANIZATION. and the UK and secondly – in perhaps fve to ten years - in the Danish sector. 30 / DANGEROUS TO DINOSAURS
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