Page 38 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
P. 38
By Lars Guldager Dyhr
Re-construction of the Tyra-field has resulted in the
second-largest contract in the history of Hytor calling
for lots of work in the start of this year. However, it
is far from the only contract awarded to the niche
company benefitting from its long-term strategy
As everybody knows timing may often turn out to be a “We have to twist in the water in order to meet the
decisive factor and at Hytor nobody is conceiling the fact exact specifications required by our clients, and even
that the contract for well head panels for the re-construc- if this order may not be vital to us naturally it means a
tion of the Tyra-field (Tyra Future) was most welcome. great deal. The decision of re-constructing Tyra is good
Naturally, that is always the case when the second-largest for Denmark and especially for Esbjerg, because now we
contract in the history of any company is landing on the know that the activities in the Danish sector of the North
desk of the management, but at the same time it proves Sea will continue for another 25 years. In this connection
that patience and long-term strategy pays off. we should remember that the North Sea is a mature
area, so we shall develop new ways of recovering the
oil. But Total would hardly pay so many billions if they
did not nourish certain expectations. So, what we need
are new discoveries,” claims Niels G. Langerhuus, CEO,
Hytor, who has just entered an affiliate under Hytor and
at the same time split the company into three different
disciplines. All in all this has resulted in his staff being in-
creased from some 50 to a little more than 70 employees,
but he will still need to cooperate with other companies
THE DECISION OF to meet the demands placed upon Hytor.
RE-CONSTRUCTING “Due to the size of the contract it, obviously, requires
TYRA IS GOOD FOR both some time from our employees and a good deal
of administration, but we have a competent staff with
DENMARK AND experienced personnel able to undertake the challenge.
Like everybody else we are in a situation that we have
ESPECIALLY FOR not been awarded such a project in the North Sea for
ESBJERG, BECAUSE many years, and, consequently, we shall increase our
staff. For parts of the project we are cooperating with
NOW WE KNOW THAT external suppliers who just like us are increasing their
staff,” explains Niels G. Langerhuus, who has made a
THE ACTIVITIES IN virtue out of maintaining the expertice of his company
THE DANISH SECTOR situated in the outskirts of Esbjerg.
OF THE NORTH SEA “We shall base our knowledge center here, and it will be
from here we shall perform our various tasks in a quality
WILL CONTINUE FOR we can be proud of presenting. This dosn’t mean that we
ANOTHER 25 YEARS. cannot operate far from Denmark. We are always ready
to team up with cooperating partners in various parts of
NIELS G. LANGERHUS, HYTOR the world. We know what we are good at, but we have
heard many examples of companies breaking their necks
by overreaching themselves. We have to realize that no