Page 68 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
P. 68
NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES Green light for placing 5.3% to 719 PJ. Thereby the consumption of energy was 350 mw of coastal wind- lower than it had been for more than 40 years. The drop farms in Kattegat in consumption was caused partly by 2014 being warmer than previous years and partly by Denmark in 2014 im- porting more electricity than the previous year. Revised assessments of the impact on the environment of offshore windfarms in the Sejrø Bay and the Små- Added to a larger generation of electricity from wind landsfarvandet south of Fuen and Sealand conclude, that power this has meant that the consumption of fuel for permission for development of an additional 350 MW of production of electricity dropped by 11.6% The develop- coastal windfarms in the Kattegat can be granted. ment covers the total drop of consumption of coal, oil and natural gas by 25%, while the consumption of sus- The survey has been revised based on new knowledge tainable energy increased by 9.5% during 2014. and is made public for a supplementary hearing for eve- rybody to be able to comment on the result. Continuously dropping energy intensity The DEA also calculates a corrected gross energy con- The concession for coastal windfarms mentioned in the sumption corrected for fuel used for foreign trade with energy agreement of 2012 will be based on a new type energy and changes in climate compared to a weather- of concession rounds asking potential concession holders wise normal year. In 2014 the corrected gross energy to submit their tender within six months. A total of 350 consumption, indicating a trend in the development, MW is up for tendering – however, no more than 200 dropped by 1.1% to 755 PJ. MW per windfarm and a maximum of 50 MW around Bornholm. The tenders for the coastal windfarms are to As the Gross National Product (GNP) last year grew by comply with a certain maximum price-tag, and they are 1.1% the decreasing consumption of energy meant that expected to represent the most competitive prices in the energy effciency in 2014 was improved by 2.1%. The market for marine wind power. improved energy effciency during the latest decades tells that each GNP-unit required 34.6% less energy in 2014 Six possible areas are offered: two in the North Sea, three than in 1990. in the Kattegat and one at Bornholm. This means that it is unlikely that the Sejrø Bay and the Smålandsfarvandet Increasing consumption of sustainable energy will see coastal windfarms, and economical considera- Total consumption of sustainable energy from 2013 to tions makes it likely that coastal windfarms will be placed 2014 increased by 2.8% to 192PJ, caused not least by the in only two of the allocated areas. fact that consumption of wood pills and generation of wind power increasing by 5.9% and 17.6%, respectively. The supplementary hearing of the environmental impact Calculated in accordance with the EU method of calcula- reports will end in February this year. The deadline for tion sustainable energy in 2014 accounted for 28.5% of submitting tenders will be on April 4th 2016 whereupon the consumption of energy compared to 27.2% in 2013. it will be decided if coastal windfarms shall be placed in In 2014 production of electricity based on sustainable the Kattegat. energy accounted for 53.4% of the domestic supply. Larg- est contributor being wind power by 38.8% and biomass by 11.4% Sustainable energy now Drop in energy production and degree of self-suffciency covering more than half Danish production of crude oil, natural gas and sustain- of the consumption of able energy etc. in 2014 dropped by 3.6% to 680 PJ. Production of crude oil and natural gas dropped by 6.4% energy and 3.1%, respectively. In 2014 Denmark’s consumption of energy and emission Denmark’s degree of self-suffciency of energy in 2014 of CO2 dropped to the lowest level of recent years, so dropped to 90% compared to 92% the previous year. according to DEA’s Energy Statistics 2014 now sustain- That meant that our own production of energy was 10% able energy is covering a record share of the supply of less in 2014 than the consumption of energy. electricity. In 2014 Denmark’s consumption of energy dropped by 66 / NOTER
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