Page 67 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
P. 67
NOTES Production of Danish oil and gas dropped in 2014 According to a status report on the Danish production of oil and gas issued by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) production of oil and gas from the Danish felds in the North Sea continued to drop in 2014, but the drop was less than in the previous years. At the same time emission of CO2 from the production installations dropped, too. In 2014 9.6 million tons of oil was produced from the Danish felds corresponding to a 6% drop compared to 2013. The reason for the drop being less than in the previous years was the continued development of South Arne feld by a northern platform, new wells producing in 2014 as well as work-over of older wells. Since 2004 production of oil has been more than halved. This trend of decreasing production is mainly caused by the majority of the expected recoverable oil by now having been produced from most of the felds. Furthermore, the aging felds require more maintenance of wells, pipelines and platforms, causing lost or often delayed production. Less gas produced In 2014 total production of produced gas amounted to 4.5 billion Nm . Of this amount 3.8 billion Nm3 was pipe 3 ashore to be sold – corresponding to a drop of 4.2% compared to 2013. The decrease was caused i.a. by sev- eral non-planned closing downs of the Tyra feld causing drops in particularly production of gas. During 2014 a total of 11 companies have produced oil and gas from the Danish North Sea. DUC claims the lion’s share having produced 85% of the oil and 95% of the gas. Need for more energy By 2040 the world’s appetite for electricity will lift de- mand by more than 70%, and according to World Energy Outlook 2015 there is a concerted effort to reduce envi- ronmental consequences of power generation. World En- ergy Outlook expects that by the early 2030s renewables will overtake coal as the main source for generation of electricity and account for more than all growth over the period to 2040. By 2040 renewables-based generation will amount to 50% in the European Union, around 30% in China and Japan, and more than 25% in the United DANISH States and Canada. By 2040 coal’s share of total electric- ity generation will have dropped to 30%, and the output OFFSHORE 2016 from ineffcient sub-critical plants will have declined by 45%. In 2040 around 550 million people in the world will INDUSTRY remain without any access to electricity – the majority of them in sub-Saharan Africa. DANISH 65 / WIND INCREASING ITS IMPORTANCE IN ESVAGT OFFSHORE 2016 INDUSTRY DANISH OFFSHORE 2016 INDUSTRY DANISH OFFSHORE 2016 INDUSTRY DANISH OFFSHORE 2016 INDUSTRY
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