Page 7 - Danish Offshore Industry 2019
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Lars Chr. Lilleholt, Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate.
players entering the field. In February, the sale of Maersk We have also seen increased attention on companies’
Oil and Gas to the global oil super major Total S.A. was ability to reduce the environmental footprint. This past
approved. And a little more than a year ago, the sale of year, the scientific journal Science published a research
DONG E&P to INEOS Oil and Gas was approved. The en- paper on global carbon intensity of crude oil production
trance of new oil and gas companies in the Danish North written by a group of international researchers from
Sea brings new know-how, strategies and competences Stanford University. It concludes that Denmark has the
and might enhance the realization of the remaining lowest carbon intensity of crude oil production of oil
potential to the benefit of industry and society. producing countries. I appreciate the continuous efforts
of the oil and gas sector to reduce the environmental
The autumn 2018 brought news of more changes when load of the exploitation, making the Danish oil and
Total S.A. announced the intention to acquire Chevron’s gas sector serve as a source of inspiration for other coun-
part of DUC and Noreco the intention to acquire Shell’s tries.
part of DUC – subject to government approval.