Page 95 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
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Our service portfolio comprises Halliburton Denmark ApS Hess Denmark ApS n Repair of all types of valves for the oil and gas industry Storstrømsvej 6 Østergade 26 B n Calibration of instrumentation, gauges, DK-6715 Esbjerg N DK-1100 Copenhagen K transmitters, safety equipment for engines Country: Denmark Country: Denmark n Standard hydrostatic pressure testing to Dayphone: +45 79 14 54 00 Dayphone: +45 33 30 12 33 industry standards – up to 30.000 psi Telefax: +45 33 30 12 99 n Nitrogen pressure up to 10.000 psi No. of employees: 85 n Functional testing Contact Person: Torben Johansen Hess Denmark ApS is a wholly owned subsidi- All testing is being documented in our Esbjerg Halliburton is one of the world’s largest pro- ary of Hess Corporation, a leading global inde- office. Our workshop and stock facilities are viders of products and services to the energy pendent energy company engaged in the explo- located in Esbjerg, Copenhagen, Vinderup and industry. Halliburton applies its global capabili- ration and production of crude oil and natural Vejle. ties to create local solutions for its customers gas. We have a world-class portfolio of assets around the world. With more than 70,000 with industry-leading margins and visible growth Our advantages: employees in approximately 70 countries, the in areas where we have proven technical capa- n Safety First company serves the upstream oil and gas bilities: Asia Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, the n On-site services industry throughout the lifecycle of the reser- North Sea, onshore U.S. and the West Africa n Shop repair services voir - from locating hydrocarbons and managing conjugate margin. n Emergency or routine service, 24/7 geological data, to drilling and formation evalua- n Dedicated technicians provide attention to tion, well construction & completion, and opti- Hess Corporation has an innovative attitude quality, project completeness and aesthetics mizing production through the life of the field. toward exploration, extraction and production n Onshore and Offshore capabilities of oil and gas based on the use of advanced Halliburton consists of two divisions: geological research methods, specialized Furthermore, we do service on pumps, break n Drilling & Evaluation and Completion & subsea technology and project management, away units for LPG tankers, compressors and Production. innovative commercial solutions and floating inspection on pressure vessels (especially on production lines. ships), thickness measurement, etc. Drilling and Evaluation product service n Lines include: Hess is committed to help meet the world’s We provide all critical services on-site 24/7. n Sperry Drilling growing need for energy while making a posi- n Fluid Services tive impact on the communities where we do n Wireline & Perforating business. In 2014 alone, Hess invested over n Drill Bits & Services $40 million in education, health and community n Landmark Software & Services development projects around the world. n Testing & Subsea The Hess office in Denmark opened in 1994. Completion and Production product The company is the operator of the Syd Arne n Service lines include: field in the Danish sector of the North Sea that n Completion Tools has been producing oil and gas since 1999. n Cementing n Production Enhancement Learn more about Hess and our plans for the n Boots & Coots future at or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. index 93