Page 114 - Danish Offshore Industry 2016
P. 114
NOTES NOTES NOTES EXTRAPOLATION 2015: Record number of By 2020 Denmark’s emis- tenderers for the krieger sion of greenhouse gasses fak windfarm reduced by 40% The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has received eight appli- Basic extrapolation 2015 shows that by 2020 Denmark’s cations from companies wanting to be pre-qualifed for total emission of greenhouse gasses will be reduced by participation in the concession round for Denmark’s till now 40% compared to 1990. The extrapolation, thus, tells that largest offshore windfarm, the 600 MW Krieger Flak. In the Denmark will have exceeded both the EU-target for sustain- Danish history of wind power this is the highest number of able energy and the EU-target for reducing emission of the applicants ever. non-quota covered sectors. “I am most pleased that we have as many as eight applicants The drop in emission of greenhouse gasses to a large extent for the Krieger Flak,” states Lars Christian Lilleholt, Minister is caused by a continuous reduction of the use of fossil fuels of Energy, Supply and Climate. “That is a record number, due to a steady development of power from wind and bio- so I expect there to be amble competition for winning mass. Till 2020 the consumption of coal, natural gas and to a the project, as that will reduce the costs of setting up the lesser extent oil will drop by 30% compared to 2010. windfarms. The development of offshore wind shows that The expected 40% reduction by 2020 is higher than last they are getting more and more cost/effcient and the need year’s prognosis showing a reduction of 37%. The difference for subsidies is gradually diminishing. I expect this trend to is caused by expectations of less use of electricity and more continue in the case of the Kriegers Flak.” use of biomass. The DEA will now check if the applications meet the eco- Denmark exceeding the EU-target for sustainable energy nomical, fnancial and technical minimum criteria stated in Denmark has committed itself to ensure that by 2020 sus- the call for tendering dated May 6th 2015. When the result tainable energy is to cover at least 30% of the so-called ex- is available, the DEA will inform the applicants and subse- tended fnal energy consumption. The extrapolation shows quently make public the names of the applicants prequali- that Denmark by 2020 will provide a share of sustainable en- fed for participating. ergy of 40% and thereby far more than meet the EU target. Negotiation for the award of the concession for the Kriegers Flak will take more than a year involving discussions with Since 2000 generation of sustainable energy has grown the tendering parties. The last and fnal tender is to be sub- steadily. Towards 2020 this trend will accelerate. Greatest mitted on November 8th 2016. transformation will take place in the electricity and district hearing sector expecting increasing use of biomass and wind power. In 2020 under ideal conditions wind power may be Vendsyssel-1 exploration able to supply up to 54% of the electricity needed compared to some 40% today. In addition to that, private homes will well in northern jutland replace part of the present use of oil and gas heating by bio- mass and heat pumps, while plants will base on biomass part p&a’ed of their need of energy for heating and processing. As the operator of license 1/10 Total E&P Denmark B.V. last year drilled the exploration well Vendsyssel-1 (5710/22-2) at Denmark meeting the EU target for non-quota sectors Dybvad in Northern Jutland, looking for shale gas. Denmark has accepted an EU target stating that by 2020 we shall have reduced the non-quota greenhouse gasses The well was drilled as a vertical data acquisition well tar- by 20% compared to 2005 and to meet other targets geting the alum shale. The well confrmed the presence of during the period up to 2020. It is, however, permitted to gas in alum shale of Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician age, “under”-meet a target one year, if it is exceeded in the fol- but the layer was less than anticipated. Cores were taken lowing year. The extrapolation shows that the target for the and data were accumulated from the alum shale. accumulated emissions will be met in the period 2013-2020 in spite of a small decrease by 2020 of some points of the The results of the exploration did not satisfy the expecta- target. tions of the companies involved with regard to reservoir conditions and thickness of the layer, so the well was plugged and permanently abandoned. 112
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