Page 99 - Danish Offshore Industry 2015
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L&H-Rørbyg A/S LICengineering A/S LJM Hydraulik (Lind Jensens Maskinfabrik A/S) Hestehaven 100 Kirkegade 25 DK-5260 Odense S DK-6700 Esbjerg Kroghusvej 7 Dayphone: +45 63 12 59 00 Dayphone: +45 75 18 16 88 DK-6940 Højmark, Lem st. Telefax: +45 63 12 59 01 Telefax: +45 75 18 16 40 Dayphone: +45 97 34 32 00 Telefax: +45 96 74 42 97 Email: Email: No. of employees: 300 No. of employees: 41 Contact Person: Bo Blomstrøm Contact Person: Nils Fog Gjersøe Email: No. of employees: 150 L&H-Rørbyg A/S is a division of Kemp Copenhagen Office: Contact Person: Anne-Dorthe Pedersen & Lauritzen. Since 1988 the branch in Ehlersvej 24 Odense has been fabrication site for the DK-2900 Hellerup LJM Hydraulics is the leading manufac- off-shore industry. With our experience Phone: +45 39 62 16 42 turer of hydraulic cylinders in Denmark. and modern production facilities we can Telefax: +45 39 62 54 80 The majority of the production is special offer professional partnership for fabrica- Email: cylinders tailor made to customer require- tion of: ments. LJM Hydraulik also have a wide LICengineering A/S is an engineering com- range of standard cylinders in the pro- n Pipe spools fabrication in all materials pany with offices based in Copenhagen, gram in which individual types are stocked from carbon steel to Super Esbjerg and Bristol UK. We provide engi- items to be delivered overnight. n Duplex and Titan alloys. neering and consultancy services to the n Hydrotesting. offshore industry. This includes advanced Achieve the benefit of our many years of n Pipe supports and medium sized struc- and unique methods within hydrodynamic experience in delivering hydraulic cylinders tural steel constructions. as well as structural analysis. Our main to the offshore and marine industry. n Complete skids, units and pre-assem- services include: blies. Our product range also includes: n 3D Scan for as-built measurements. n Pipeline and riser design n Double-acting cylinders n Well conductor structural analysis n Single-acting cylinders Also we have a major experience in work- n Design of subsea assemblies, valve n Plunger cylinders ing with other branches as refineries, stations, protection structures, drilling n Double acting telescopic cylinders power plants, shipyards, pharmaceutics templates n Stainless steel cylinders, oil and water industry ect.L&H-Rørbyg A/S is ISO 9001 n Subsea engineering including subsea hydraulic and PED certified. control systems n Centre hole cylinders n Subsea/offshore structural repair, n ISO norm cylinders design and installation engineering n Hydraulic cylinders with built-in position n Geotechnical engineering sensor, proximity switches, etc. n Jacket re-analysis n Hydraulic cylinders with built-in valves of n Design and analysis of offshore wind all kinds and / or valve manifolds turbine towers and foundations n Hydraulic special cylinders n Field supervision within offshore con- n DNV type approved hydraulic cylinders struction n GL type approved hydraulic cylinders n Technical assistance, tendering of large n Special rod and pipe materials offshore contracts n Special mounting n Research and development n Hydraulic cylinders with special certifi- n Workshop for experimental/testing cates work n Advanced coating systems for hazard- n Supply of subsea components including ous environments design, fabrication and testing. Our business concept: “The right cylinder in the right quality, at the right price, at the agreed time of index delivery” Your cylinder supplier! 97