Page 9 - Danish Offshore Industry 2015
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FROM OIL TO WIND The offshore industry has helped us secure our energy turbines. There are many exciting opportunities for the supply during critical times in Danish history. Danish offshore industry that, fully exploited, can create Now that same industry is helping us again in this a new business adventure. equally critical transition from fossil to fossil-free energy systems. PLANNING PLATFORM FOR 2020 I think it is a minor miracle how the same industry We are heading towards a fossil free future – in 2050. can help society and help itself by gradually shifting bal- And other countries will follow sooner or later. Either be- ance from the one leg to the other: From oil to wind. cause they take the strong warning from the UN Climate Denmark is decarbonizing its energy consumption to Panel seriously or because they wake up one day soaked eventually become fossil-free by 2050. in the rising sea water. And the offshore industry has successfully broadened Either way the markets out there will open up to its activities embracing this new business environment. those who are ready to enter. This government is de- As the oil gets increasingly diffcult to recover and sell termined to help the offshore industry set a foot in the – at least on the home market – the global market for door. wind power is likely to expand accordingly. In the Energy Agreement from 2012 we have decided The oil and gas of the North Sea is going to fuel our that in 2018 as the latest we are going to look ahead economy and maintain a fexible energy supply for dec- of 2020. We have started this work already by initiating ades to come. the update of the planning platform for offshore wind Therefore it still makes sense to fully exploit the turbines. remaining potential for exploration and recovery from When planning for the marine territory there are a existing felds. number of conficting interests. At the same time we The sector, however, faces challenges like falling have to take account of the marine planning and devel- production, aging infrastructure, development of new opment in our neighboring countries, where cumulative technologies and cost reduction. effects and border crossing environmental issues are not To meet these challenges the sector needs to be to be neglected. clever in designing the future. It needs to be energy ef- A thorough planning process will ensure that we can fcient, use the infrastructure wisely and maintain safe continue our ambitious development in offshore wind working conditions. even after 2020. The offshore industry has done so much for the Dan- NEW STRATEGY – NEW MARKETS ish society – creating a lot of jobs and prosperity. I am To achieve all that, this Government has called for a new sure the industry will continue to do so in the future – by strategy for oil and gas in collaboration with the sector. gradually leaning towards the greener leg. ■ I look forward to seeing the recommendations from this work in 2015. The Danish Energy Agency received in October 25 applications for new oil and gas exploration and produc- tion licenses in the 7th Licensing Round. The applicants consist of 15 oil companies, several of which have not previously held licenses in Denmark. This confrms that the oil companies are still con- fdent that interesting discoveries can be made in the Danish area. This is positive because it means we can maintain a stable activity, further investments and a highly specialized workforce. The offshore industry seems to be able to stand on the frst leg. But is’s good to know that the other leg is growing to become a strong alternative. All of the planned offshore wind farms – Kriegers Flak, Horns Rev 3 and the near-shore wind farms are on track. Some details have had to be adjusted in order to reduce prices. Still, it will be critical to keep reducing prices on offshore wind. In order to win an increased market share, it is criti- Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Rasmus Helveg Petersen. Photo: Ulrik Jantzen. cally important to keep reducing prices on offshore wind 9 / WELCOME
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