Page 68 - Danish Offshore Industry 2015
P. 68
NOTES NOTES NOTES Need for energy still growing In its World Energy Outlook 2014 the International Energy Agency (IEA) expects that in 2040 the worldwide need for energy will have grown by 37%, thereby putting more pressure on the global energy system. But this pressure would be even greater if not for the measures reduced, so we shall be sharper at meeting all possible for energy effciency playing a vital part in holding back challenges, but that requires us to be constantly updated global demand for growth in energy production. The on the latest trends. We are strongly focusing on our IEA-scenario shows that the world’s demand for two out administrative functions, but we are also updating the of the three fossil fuels – coal and oil – will reach a more skills of our workshop. We hold the latest certifcates or less a stable level by 2040 although, for both types of introduced, so we are able to provide work to the stand- fuels, the global demand at that time is the outcome of ards needed.” different trends in the various countries. At the same time, renewable energy technologies will rapidly gain ground, helped by falling construction and installation costs of i.a. windfarms and considerable national subsidies (in 2013 estimated to amount to some US$ 120 billion). By 2040 world energy supply is expected to be divided into four EVEN IF OIL AND GAS almost equal types: low-carbon-dioxide sources (nuclear ■ and renewable energy), oil, natural gas and coal. CALLS FOR THE SAME QUALITIES YOU WILL FIND THAT WIND Danish Wind turbine ENERGY REQUIRES AN record EXTREMELY SHORT In 2014 Danish wind turbines produced energy cor- RESPONSE TIME responding to 39.1% of the electricity consumed by the Danish population. This is a record. Like the preceding fve years 2014 was a year producing more energy from wind turbines and windfarms than the year before. In 2013 Which areas are primarily to contribute to your growth? wind power contributed by 32.7%. The increase in 2014 We shall still give offshore wind energy a high priority as to 39.1% is caused partly by a growing number of wind this is where we feel we are best ftting in thanks to our turbines being installed, and partly by the new turbines workforce being most competent and fexible. Even if being more effcient. oil and gas calls for the same qualities you will fnd that One such example is the 400 MW windfarm at Anholt, wind energy requires an extremely short response time. designed to cover – under optimal wind conditions – an A requirement fully accepted and met by our teams. The annual consumption of some 400,000 family houses. It wind energy industry calls for a lot of different qualifca- was commissioned in the fall of 2013 thereby offering a tions from any workforce, but as our teams are charac- substantial contribution to the increased output of 2014. terized by a very broad profle this is the area in which “We see a unique world record, and we are now sure we expect most signifcant growth.” to meet the 2020-target. It proves that we can achieve our fundamental target – to stop the global heating,” What is your general assessment of the offshore industry? states Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Rasmus “It is stabilizing at its more natural level. So, even if we Helveg Petersen. ■ are seeing a serious drop in oil prices we have to accept that this is the market we are to navigate in. We have not given up this marked for dead. We believe in growth as we have had numerous requests from our customers, so we are convinced that there is a market for the com- petences giving us our strength.” ■ 68 / WORLD WIDE WORKERS – NOTER
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