Page 32 - Danish Offshore Industry 2015
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the 1960-level. If we compare ourselves with the other countries around the North Sea, then we are drilling far less exploration and production wells. It is generally estimated that there is more oil and gas to be found – so we have to clutch-in our exploration turbo charger if we want to fnd that oil. But fnding is not enough – we have to develop and produce. That is the next step. In spite of smaller amounts of hydrocarbons being found and the costs of developing the felds increasing we have to ensure that it pays to produce,” states Martin Næsby adding, that, consequently, we have to look at costs and infrastructure. “Here, we have to study other countries doing their best to reduce costs, and we have to consider our incen- tives. There is no standard prescription,” concludes Mar- tin Næsby stating that the mandate calls for presenting the recommendations to the Danish Government in May this year. ■ Martin Næsby believes in a substantial tax-revenue from the North Sea. HESS COPENHAGEN OFFICE SYD ARNE Hess, one of Denmark’s largest oil producers, is completing an 8.6 billion DKK project with partners to more than double production at Syd Arne. With support from our communities, employees and partners, we are building a sustainable business that will continue to make a positive impact in Denmark. 6TH LARGEST PRODUCER PUTTING SAFETY FIRST CREATING GREAT JOBS IN THE COUNTRY CREATING GOOD JOBS RESPONSIBLY MEETING THE WORLD’S GROWING NEED FOR ENERGY = Hess is a leading independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. Explore more about us by scanning the code at left. 1 HESS JOB 8 ADDITIONAL JOBS Hess Denmark FOR EVERY ARE CREATED Ostergade 26b Based on study conducted by Quartz+Co and Copenhagen Economics (2008-2010). Note: The Danish oil and gas sector employs 15,000 people. DK – 1100 Copenhagen K 32 / GREAT EXPECTATIONS FROM THE NATIONAL STRATEGY
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