Page 105 - Danish Offshore Industry 2015
P. 105
Persolit A/S PMCGroup Pon Power Tarp Byvej 147 Lammefjordsvej 2 Øresundsvej 9 DK-6715 Esbjerg N DK-6715 Esbjerg N DK-6715 Esbjerg N Dayphone: +45 70 20 06 13 Dayphone: +45 75 14 44 44 Dayphone: +45 76 14 64 00 Nightphone: +45 75 11 68 13 Nightphone: +45 75 14 44 44 Nightphone: +45 40 43 54 41 Telefax: +45 70 20 06 31 Telefax: +45 75 14 45 45 Telefax: + 45 76 14 64 01 Email: Email: Email: No. of employees: 300 No. of employees: 175 No. of employees: 350 Contact Person: Kurt Ø. Hansen Contact Person: Anders Kristensen Contact Person: Henrik Høgh Mobilephone: +45 20 80 64 07 Mobile phone: +45 61 20 63 40 Contact Person: Vidar Rasmussen Mobile phone: +45 40 43 54 41 Persolit A/S is a Danish engineering, manu- PMC Group develops, manufactures and facturing and contracting company with 70 markets hydraulic systems, lubrication tech- Pon Power is the distributor of Cat years of experience in technical insulation nology and cylinders. engines and genset in Scandinavia and The onshore/offshore all over the world. Netherlands. PMCGroup are one of the leading hydrau- Persolit A/S have been involved in the lic companies within the field of hydraulic We offer complete systems throughout the Danish North Sea oil and gas projects: service. The service engineers working at product spectrum, ranging from 6.4 to PMCGroup are always ready to offer their 16,200 kW, which are mainly used as pro- Dan Mærsk Drilling assistance. The service engineers have pulsion and auxiliary engines, primary power Gorm Noble Drilling the necessary offshore certificates and or emergency power and we offer engines Tyra Ensco discharge book, to carry out jobs offshore for fire-fighting pumps and cranes for off- Rolf Atlantic Marine Services worldwide. shore installations. Halfdan PMCGroup has almost four decades of All applications are engineered to fit your Persolit A/S has lately succesfully carried experience in repair hydraulic pumps and needs. out manufacture and intallation of sound motors from all leading manufacturers. All proofed Drillers Cabins on rigs, sound proof- units are tested to the original equipment We are renowned for our efficient 24-hour ing of ducting, engines, compressers ect.. manufacturer’s specifications or client speci- service and rapid delivery of spare parts, Futhermore soundproofing of controlrooms, fications, if different wherever they are needed. accommodations, workshops ect. has been With the following certifications we hold carried out. PMC Technology is agent for Eaton Aeroquip our focus on quality, safety and environ- hoses and has been authorized by DNV mental responsibility: ISO 9001, 14001, As a subcontractor for Lindø Ship yard A/S according to type approval programme No. OH18001, MSA Platinum, and Achilles. we also have a good knowledge of all kinds 5-791.70. of marine and ship insulation. PMCGroup is offering following services: n Design and supply of hydraulic systems n Overhaul of motors, pumps and cylinders n Agent for Kawasaki, SAI and SUN n Supply of DNV approved hydraulic hoses n Pipe work and installation n Supply of HPU´s See our ad on page 55 index 103
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